Tuesday, December 11, 2018

The Light of Love

Tuesdays at Two Writing Teachers!
"...Last Sunday, we lit the candle of hope." I break eye contact with the people in the pews and nudge Sweetie's shoulder.

Husband leans forward to dangle her closer to the mic. "Today we're gonna light the candle of love," her tiny voice squeaks out, "an' God loved the wor-rld, an' he sent Chee-sus to save the wor-rllld." She beams proudly, squirming back against Husband's chest in excitement as the congregation titters.

"Now Daddy!" she squeals and throws her arms around his neck, prompting a second rumble of louder chuckles.

"No, now we get to light the candles! Then Daddy will read his part," I whisper. I kiss her head and take the ornate candlelighter to the altar candles, pushing the lever to raise the wick as I did so many times as an acolyte growing up. The flickering candle wavers with pure magic as I carry it carefully back to the wreath. Our three hands wrap around each other and we lean forward together to light the candles of hope and love.

Just like I did with my parents, and Husband did with his parents.

"Now there'll be lights and lights!" Sweetie chirps in my ear. Husband begins to read. "Dear friends, let us continue to love one another..."

Hope and love.

Light in the darkness.

Our love is shining so bright within and through me that it feels like I might float away.

Isn't our historic church gorgeous?
After the service, as people come up to tell us how cute Sweetie was and what a great job she did, one man grins and winks. "So what is it like to live with all that cuteness all the time?" We giggle, but I'm serious when I answer. "So, so sweet!"

Tuesday, December 4, 2018


Tuesdays at Two Writing Teachers!
"Well, you're going to want shoes that are much better for walking..." I raise my eyebrows at Sweetie as I convince her to trade her new glittery dress shoes for her pink and purple flashing star tennis shoes.

"Why?! What we going to do?" She leans towards me, and when I answer, her already-big blue eyes fly wide open into sparkling pools of joy. Her mouth forms a perfect circle. "OHHHHHHHHH!" she squeals. "Can I tell Daddy?! I'm going to go tell Daddy!"

She flails out of her room, little flashing feet thudding down the hallway to peer downstairs. "Daddy! Daddy! We're going to the zoo to see the lights! Daddy!"

It's certainly not hard to get her out the door, and before we even get to the "zoo bridge", she declares, "I can see the zoo peeking over the trees!"

She thinks she's a dancer, so of course she had to dance along to the moving light tree!
The playground is even more fun with lights all around!
Walking with Daddy <3
To me, the magical sparkle of Christmas lights in a dark world has always been a symbol of the hope and wonder of the season. Now, it's even more special to see that magic reflected in her eyes, our own light in the darkness.