Monday, January 2, 2012

"One little word" 2012: Connect

2011 was a big year for me professionally: I started following teaching blogs, I made the leap to starting my own blog, and I gave my first professional presentation at a conference!

Thanks to Ruth and Stacey at Two Writing Teachers (who are basically the reason I started my own blog!), I was introduced to the concept of "One Little Word".  It sounds like a neat, reasonable way to make New Year's Resolutions that might actually be keep-able.  After all, focusing on just one word seems manageable, plus I love doing creative things with words so I'll have fun creating some little reminders of my word to place around me.

So here goes: my word for 2012 is: connect. defines connect in a variety of ways: (my own emphasis added)
intransitive verb
1 : to become joined
2 a : to meet for the transference of passengers  b : to transfer (as from one airplane to another) as a step in traveling to a final destination 
3: to make a successful hit, shot, or throw
4: to have or establish a rapport 
5: to establish a communications connection 
transitive verb
1: to join or fasten together usually by something intervening
2: to place or establish in relationship 

For me this year, connect is going to mean 5 things:
  1. to grow my relationships with family and friends by being intentional about spending more time with them
  2. to establish stronger relationships with my students by taking more opportunities to get to know them and show them that I care about them
  3. to build stronger professional relationships in my district by continuing to share with, help, and learn from a variety of colleagues at all of my buildings
  4. to continue expanding my virtual PLN by writing more in my blog and leaving more comments on teaching blogs that I read
  5. to further inspire my students to love learning and make my content relevant by finding even more ways to connect to other disciplines and "real-life" with authentic activities that blend culture and communication


  1. You have found your word and clearly see what its meaning is in your life. I hope to read more how this word helps you in year 2012.

  2. Connect is a great word and you have some very tangible goals tied to your word. Way to think through your word!

  3. I love your little word - connect! It is what many of us who blog and are on a variety of social networks attempt to do when we leave our digital footprint on the internet. But, what I find interesting about this new way to be connected is that it has to be intentional (one of the words you mention above) for it to work and have an impact on your learning in all its forms. Good luck!

  4. It's a good OLW -- I chose it for 2011. Tomorrow I'll be reflecting on it & sharing my word for 2012. I'm glad you're joining us on this adventure. This year will make my 7th OLW I wish you well for a year of CONNECTions. :)

  5. First, congratulations on 2011. You did some great things! And, I like the five parts of the ways you plan to expand your word. The goals seem to form a circle around you as the parts of your life. I'm doing the OLW for the first time too, so looking forward to seeing you & what you find possible with "connect".

  6. OLW is amazing! I love the word you chose as well. Best of luck!

  7. I love your post and the idea of one little word. I'm using it with my students for writer's workshop and can't wait to see what they come up with.

  8. What a great word for 2012!! I'm still trying to think of mine...I'm glad that you joined the slice of life community!

    --jee young

  9. Congratulations on becoming part of OLW. It does stick with you throughout the year, and it is a very positive activity--unlike trying to keep up with a resolution. You are very brave to give a professional presentation. You are on your way, fellow author! Happy writing this year!!

  10. Connect is such a great word for those of us in this blogging community.


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