Tuesday, February 28, 2012

In Person

at Two Writing Teachers!
As someone who grew up an avid reader and writer, I've always felt strongly about the ability of writing to connect people. (My one little word for this year!)  I dive so deeply into books that I wind up feeling like I truly know the writer and characters, as if they're my friends.  (I also wind up completely oblivious to the world around me, but that's another story!)  And being a writer as well, I know from the other end the way that writing expresses the true self.  Words flow up from out of this deep place in my soul and tumble out of my head onto the paper.  I read and change and read and change in a flurry of thoughts and feelings.  Then, where once was nothing, there is a little piece of me.  Sometimes messy, sometimes pretty, but always ME.

Blogging has taken this connection to a new level -- now, I can share my connections with the writer and my readers can leave their thoughts and feelings for me!  Nowhere is this more true than the Slice of Life community.  After reading the same people's snippets of life week after week and engaging in dialogue with them about our writing and our lives, I really do know them.  (Husband makes fun of me for talking about you all like you're really my friends. However, I know you are!)  Actually, due to the power of writing, I'm sure I  know some "slicers" much better than many of the people I see every day in "real life".

This past weekend at the Dublin Literacy Conference, I was fortunate enough to turn a blogging connection into "real-life".  I got to meet the incredible Ruth Ayres in person!  Not only that, but I got to learn from her firsthand at two breakout sessions.  This was a huge deal, since she's basically my blogging hero.  I wouldn't even have a blog if I hadn't been inspired by Two Writing Teachers last summer!  Moreover, I have grown so much as a writer and teacher due to the Slice of Life community.

One of the highlights of my day was when Ruth asked during one of the sessions if anybody had participated in Slices of Life. When I spoke up, she asked about my blog and said she remembered it, right in front of everyone!  Knowing there would be an autograph session at lunch, I had printed out the green SOLS logo at home.  I was a little embarrassed to ask Ruth to sign it instead of her book, but she liked it!

As soon as I get a frame, it's going up on the wall of our computer room to inspire me on those hard days!


  1. That is soooooo cool! You were so smart to print out the logo. If I ever get the chance, I will do the same. I know exactly what you mean about referring to other slicers as if I know them when I talk about their slices. You are my friends and I love learning more about each person every week.

  2. Jennifer, this is absolutely the coolest post I've read all day. I am honored to have gotten to know you this year & actually have been looking for you on the TWT blog-did you hook up? There are so many perhaps I missed you. Anyway, I love this entire post & will print it out tomorrow to put into my notebook, but I especially love that connection first paragraph moving from books to writing, & then into the blogging group. It is so true! Until someone experiences it, they really don't understand, do they? Thanks again for all your comments & today, for your words!

    1. Wow Linda, I feel so honored that you're putting my post into your notebook! :-) Glad you enjoyed it so much! I'm so glad I've gotten to know you too!

  3. Way cool! I'm jealous you got to meet Ruth! And like Elsie and Linda, I think of other slicers as my friends. If I don't hear from someone in awhile, I worry about them!

    You really hit the nail on the head with this one. It's hard to explain to people about blogging and the community that embraces it, but you found just the right words.

    By the way. I'm writing about calendar journals and the novel activities today. Hope to post it sometime today! Thanks for the idea

  4. Jennifer,
    You are as sweet in person as you are on your blog. Thanks for making me feel special. I hope our paths cross again in real life, but until then blog posts and slices will have to suffice.


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