Tuesday, April 6, 2021

A slice of summer, in early April

Tuesdays at Two Writing Teachers!

Golden rays pour onto sun-starved skin

that soaks them up like flowers opening for the first time.

"Your headie's hot!" shrieks the big sister,

gentle hand patting the shining streaks of brown and almost-gold

of her little one's hair as they catch their breath,

still beside each other for just a moment

before running, flailing, spinning, laughing,

up and down the hill 



Instinctively, my hand shoots up to my own head,

my own streaks of gold and brown,

and yes, the sun is here, close enough

not just warm but hot!

Neighboring houses are tiny mirrors of themselves

set in matching white and pink sunglasses

above wide smiles, teeth too big for little mouths.

A cheerful bird serenade 

as we eat ice-cream truck treats on the deck:

they can feel it too. 

Swimsuits! Sandals! Back outside!

"WATER TABLE!" the youngest squeals, "with UNICORNS!"

I can't believe she even remembers it.

Splash! Splat! 

Giggles, smiles, giggles.

And I know it's just teasing;

I know it won't last

for now;

I know there's more waiting to come...

But I also know 

summer is coming,

summer will come, 

and it's not as far away 

as it has been.


  1. This poem feels like summer on the horizon. So much hope for sunshine. I am yearning for sunny days of sitting outside and reading . . .

  2. This warm weather really does get us to open up! I love the comparison to flowers at the beginning. It sounds like you made the most of this beautiful day.

  3. "...and it's not as far away

    as it has been" Ah, the sweet wistful longing, tinged with the joy of enjoying today. Lovely poem.

  4. Beautiful poem, ode to summer!! I love specially the way you begin and end the text!!

  5. It's always a treat to have a summer day in the spring. You took advantage of it in the best way possible.


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